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Request an RMA Number

Complete this form for equipment to be sent to Auto ID Solutions for repair, calibration, re-certification, or trade-in.
* Denotes a Required Field

Product Information

Manufacturer *
Model *
e.g. “D4000 CR2 Scanner”, “D4000 Auto-Optic”, “QC-800”
Serial Number (all components must have matching serial numbers or additional charges may apply)*
Payment Terms *
Purchase Order Number
If currently unknown, enter “TBD”
Need a “Loaner” Unit?
What is the reason for the RMA?
Is approval needed if your unit requires repair?
If you need your unit repaired, please describe the problem
How should we ship your unit back to you?
Shipping Account
Shipping Account Billing Postal Code
Return Shipping Information (this is where the unit will be shipped after the service work)
Company *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
Address 2
City *
Country *
State/Province*(US & Canada Residents only)

Zip/Postal Code *

Billing Information (LEAVE BLANK if it is the same as the Ship To address)
First Name
Last Name
Address 2
State/Province (US & Canada Residents only)

Zip/Postal Code
Contact Information (Required)
Phone *
Email Address *

Note: Invoices are emailed, Auto ID Solutions does NOT mail physical copies of the invoice.
Email address we should send a reminder to when your next calibration is due (if blank we will send to email above)
Would you like to receive our newsletter (3-4 times per year)?
To help reduce the amount computer generated spam,
Please answer the following question: What is 2 + 2 ?*

NOTE: After clicking the Submit button below, your RMA number and shipping instructions will be immediately displayed. You should also receive an email with this information from   Please check your spam/junk folder.

Please add to your safe senders list.

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